Thursday, February 09, 2017

This “Type” Of Person Succeeds No Matter What…Does This Describe You?

What does it mean to be a ‘warrior’?
Well, first things first. The warrior, as I teach in my programs, is an archetype and is used in mythology as a model to help us better ourselves.
The warrior is a model of inner power. The warrior’s way is the way of action.
And to be a warrior, you must not only take action, you must take UNCONDITIONAL ACTION.
In other words, if you want to succeed, you will need to become someone who takes action—no matter what.
You need to become a “whatever-it-takes” kind of person.
Think about a warrior in the heat of battle in the battlefield—which could just as easily be you in the business world when things get tough or uncomfortable or don’t go your way.
Is a warrior going to say things like, “Oh, I don’t know, it’s getting kind of late, I’ve been fighting all day, I don’t feel like it.”
What happens if they say that? Boom, they’re dead. They cannot say that—they don’t have that luxury.
And neither do you…IF you want to reach high, high levels of success in the real world.
You need to do whatever it takes.
So, let me ask you a question, if you lived your life like you are in the battlefield and you are fighting for your life right now, and every second is a life or death situation, and if you did not succeed you would actually die…
…Would you be taking any different actions than you are taking right now? Would you have a different attitude than you have right now?
Of course you would.
Then you may say, ”But Harv, I’m not in that situation.”
Right, and that’s why you don’t take those actions, true or true?
And that’s why you’re not as successful as you could be.
Then you may say, ”But Harv, how am I supposed to keep a balanced lifestyle if I’m always focused on getting the job done?”
My friends, it doesn’t mean you’re not in balance if you’re a warrior.
When you play and when you do business, the warrior way is either 100% or 0%.
There is no black and white. It’s life or death. You are either involved 100% and giving 100% of yourself, or you’re not. And when you’re resting, you give 100% to rest. And when you’re playing, you give 100% to playing. And when you’re with your family, you give 100% to your family.
Then you go back into your work or business, and you give 100% to that.
Now it’s also critical that you understand that a “whatever-it-takes” type of person will act in spite of their mood. And this is something I see that stops the majority of my students from becoming as successful as they’d like to be.
You may notice yourself saying things like…
“I don’t feel like it.”
“I’m not sure how to do this.”
“I’m afraid.”
“I’m tired.”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“What if I fail?”
As you’ve heard before: feel the fear and do it anyway.
The key here is that when your mind is saying something to you, you can still act.
Remember, your mind is just an inner voice, it isn’t even real.
And most people believe their mind. They believe that their mind is them, giving them accurate information.
But you don’t have to believe that voice in your head. That is a conditioned, learned response.
Instead, you have to act in spite of fear.
Don’t try to get rid of fear—because you can’t. The only time you ever get rid of your mind and your fear is when you die.
So what do you do when those thoughts creep in and your mind starts chattering away?
As I teach on my Don’t Believe A Thought You Think web class, you say these four magic words: “Thank you for sharing.” I also reveal a few other strategies and techniques to help quiet the mind and live from your higher self.
The truth is, if you want to succeed, you CANNOT listen to your own mind. You must feel the fear and do it anyway.
Act in spite of fear. Act in spite of your mood. Act in spite of anything.
That is the true warrior, and I KNOW it is in you.
How do you adopt the warrior way? Do you have trouble silencing your mental chatter? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

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