now this link https://en.profitrevolution.live/?a=4498&o=20012&s=odmru5db30750844b2895732363 goes to EverFX Global https://client.everfxglobal.com/finance
Good luck in trading in all this scam companies now trying Fortrade and see how it goes. at least it only need USD$100 for initial trade Link in people comment being scammed:
Just google Oinvest then this come out
EverFX Global since i went to this https://en.profitrevolution.live/?a=4498&o=20012&s=odmru5db30750844b2895732363 with all those great news then it goes to Everfx website. a rude guy called me and threaten me to take care of myself and don't apologize when i told him i mistakenly sign up and don't have money to invest good luck in searching for a good company to invest. its a jungle out there allright. don't be greedy, search carefully and god bless
Link for report of people commented being scammed:
Food for thought:
Our mortal is short, so we just live life of heaven or hell short period
For those people who cheat people, I pray for you. You will suffer endlessly forever in hell period!
Karma is a bitch :P 😊😊😊
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