Tuesday, May 02, 2017

4 Uncommon But Ridiculously High-Paying Jobs

Have you heard of these jobs before? The amount of money you can earn from these job titles will blow your mind!

Have you been thinking about switching your career to something that’s a tad more exciting and pays better? Perhaps it’s time you consider these slightly less common, but handsomely rewarding jobs as a career path!

Voice-Over Artist

Do you frequently get compliments from your friends and family on how well you mimic other people’s voices? Or do you receive lots of comments on how good your voice sounds when you speak or sing?
Why not turn that innate talent of yours to a money-making side or even full-time job? It may sound easy, but it’s anything but. It requires talent (which isn’t something everyone has) and a willingness to work hard to build a good reputation in the industry.

According to The Voice Guild, an average voice-over artist would earn RM15 to RM30 per second for a commercial, but exceptional voice-over artists can rake in the dough as product ambassadors to. Farit Ismeth Emir is one of the veterans who earn more than RM15,000 a month from a single brand. His iconic ‘Gaya, Mutu, Keunggulan’ voice commercial for Dunhill back in the 80s shot his career into the limelight and has put him among the highest paying voice-over artist oh his time.
The job title may not sound as prestigious as, say, a doctor or a lawyer, but it’s by no means a low-paying job – once you’ve built your reputation. If you’re interested in this line of work, you can look for voice-over courses online. If you’re not sure on how to market yourself as a voice-over artist, you can contact The Voice Guild here, and find out how you can list yourself as one of their talents.

Offshore Cook

Yes, those in the Royal Navy, cruise ships, and oil vessels need to eat too. If you think that gourmet restaurants on land serve the best food, think again! The most delectable food is served out there in the oceanic wilderness and this, of course, requires some degree of culinary skill.
Although cooking may sound like a simple enough task, not many cooks can stomach the weeks and months of living and working on a vessel, particularly those who do not see land for months on end. This job also requires you to get a multitude of vaccinations, a valid passport (these vessels travel across the oceans and often require work visas), offshore training certificates, and offshore medical certificates on top of the exceptional catering skills you’re expected to have.

For these reasons, offshore chefs often get paid insane amounts money depending on their experience and the type of vessel they work for. Seasoned offshore cooks can easily make well over RM18,800 a month – not including allowances. If you like the thrill of working in the open sea and loves adventures, start taking culinary courses and learn the ropes of being an offshore chef today!

Certified Ethical Hacker

Hackers aren’t all criminals or the hooded villains as you see in the movies. Certified ethical hacker is an actual job title that pays surprisingly well. In 2016, the Pentagon launched the ‘Hack the Pentagon’ programme, a programme that challenged hundreds and thousands of the ‘white hat hackers’ in America to break into their cybersecurity systems. The offered bug bounty was USD150,000, as well as recognition for the winner’s work.
Of course, not all governments would offer a lucrative reward for successfully breaking into their cybersecurity. Companies and internet giants such as Google hire hackers to find any bugs and vulnerabilities in their systems to better protect their database. Similarly, financial institutions including banks and insurance companies hire expert certified ethical hackers to test their cybersecurity systems as their businesses thrive on sensitive information.
The average salary varies from one job scope to another, but owing to the complex nature of the job, Certified Ethical Hackers are paid an average of USD86,053 per year! This salary range is, of course, applicable to the professionals and highly skilled hackers who practice their trade all over the world, but with the right mindset and knowledge, you can earn just as much as they do!

Oil Rig Dive Technician

The multi-billion-dollar oil and gas industry is one of the most lucrative industries out there in the working landscape. Harvesting petroleum and natural gases don't come cheap though, what with the drilling taking place deep underground. And of course, someone has got to lay down these pipes in the deep blue sea.
Oil rig dive technicians spend hours underwater to ensure everything is in order because any leakage can cause catastrophic water pollution like the BP oil spill back in 2010. These technicians are put through gruelling tasks that will challenge both physical and mental strength due to the environment in which their job operates.
This job is incredibly dangerous, but that is why oil rig divers are compensated generously by their employers. According to global statistics, an oil rig diver earns an average salary of USD54,340 annually – which puts it in a six-figure salary bracket in Ringgit Malaysia. To qualify for this job, you’ll need a degree in offshore engineering as well as various other certifications. You’ll also need to be a certified commercial diver. Think you’re up for the challenge?

Rethinking Your Career Yet?

But these are just some of the many career options out there that pay extremely well, although they do require arduous work, persistence, and exceptional mental discipline. It sounds hard, but if you’ve got what it takes, perhaps it’s something you can consider for yourself or recommend to your thrill-seeking friends?
Would you consider switching your career to any one of the listed jobs? Are there any other uncommon but well-paying jobs you wish you could do to earn more money? Tell us your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below!

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